Chlorella Raw & Organic
Chlorella helps the body to detoxify. A property of chlorophyll is that it binds metals. Cleansing the body with chlorella is certainly not an unnecessary luxury when you consider that we are exposed to many toxic substances day in day out. It is also interesting that chlorella has been the best-selling supplement in Japan for years. Japan is also seen as the country with the most centenarians.
Why Chlorella from
When purchasing chlorella, it is important to know that the cell wall of the algae is broken. Chlorella has a cell wall that can hardly be digested by the human body. As a result, the nutrients within the chlorella cell can hardly be absorbed. Also make sure that you buy chlorella that has not undergone heat treatment, which destroys the many benefits of chlorella. In addition, preferably use organic chlorella.
The chlorella from the SuperfoodShop is organic and the cell wall is also cracked, which makes the absorption of nutrients possible.
Why should I use chlorella?
- Contains important fatty acids such as omega 3 and alpha-linolenic acid
- Contains many vitamins, including: vitamin A, B2, B5, B6, B12, C, E and K
- Contains high quality proteins, (all 8 essential amino acids)
- Contains important minerals such as: calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and potassium.
- Contains powerful antioxidants from the carotenoid family as well as glutathione.
- Contains large amounts of nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA. These are substances that contain information and help the body repair and build tissues.
- Stimulates the cleansing function of your liver.
- 100% plant-based, so suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
What is the difference between spirulina and chlorella?
During lectures we are often asked what the difference is between spirulina and chlorella.
Below you will find a table summarizing the differences. As you can see there are quite a few differences. If you want to enjoy both benefits you can use them alternately or add both to a smoothie.
Naturally more digestible
Cell wall, must be broken
More carotenoids
More chlorophyll
More zeaxanthin
More lutein
Special antioxidants: phycocyanin
More vitamin E and C
More vitamin B12
More alpha-linolenic acid (ALA, omega-3 fatty acid)
More vitamin K1
More iron and zinc
More gamma linolenic acid (GLA, special omega fatty acid)
More nucleic acids, “Chlorella growth factor”
More calcium, magnesium and potassium
More glutathione
More N-acetylcysteine
Other Interesting Facts about Chlorella:
- It contains large amounts of the mineral magnesium. It is the mineral par excellence that many people are deficient in today. Magnesium is used up by the body at an accelerated rate when you have a busy life or are often stressed.
How can I use chlorella?
Maintenance dosage for chlorella is 3-6 grams per day (6 to 12 tablets). When using Chlorella, drink plenty of water.
For detoxing, 1 to 2 tablespoons (up to 20 tablets) can be used. Chlorella is safe to take in large doses.
Stir it into a glass of water or add it to your green smoothie.
Chlorella is at its best in pure powder form without any form of binders or other additives. Pay particular attention that when using chlorella tablets no binders have been used.
Both the chlorella powder and the chlorella tablets from are 100% pure, organic and free from other additives.
Ingredients Chlorella
Chlorella Raw & Organic
Origin: Islands of South China Sea